Kickers F/W 2020 Editorial

As young people, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to move to a busy city in order to be successful in the industry we want to pursue. In the series, a curious couple decide to escape their frantic and lucrative London lives where they are surrounded by arduous work deadlines, the blaring traffic and repetitive concrete buildings. The couple spontaneously decide to hop on the bus to explore the eccentric nature of Epping Forest and finally break free from the intensity of the concrete jungle. They enjoy a fine picnic, a steady stroll along the whimsical lake and slowly saunter in the thick Narnia-like forests. The couple stumble upon bizarre tree formations, huge dens built by similar curious explorers and empty fields to breathe in. The joyful couple begin to remember the importance of nature and the benefits of the environment for their own health as they edge closer to the alarming sirens of the city.


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